Title: Winter In Arendelle
Description: Winter break has finally arrived and our princess is very excited to visit Elsa and Anna in their beautiful hometown. Help her get ready to fit in with a cute outfit. Choose a warm sweater or a cute corset, a maxi skirt or reindeer printed leggings, a warm cape with Arendelle traditional prints, a hat and a pair of gloves. First thing that she wants to do is take a trip around the kingdom and see what has changed since the last time she has been here. For that she needs a sleigh, which Sven will be happy to pull. Decorate both the sleigh and the reindeer with new colors and prints, lights and candy canes, pillows and gift and a nice harness. Christmas is near too and Olaf is letting Rapunzel decorate the Christmas tree! How fun!
Categories: Dress Up Games, Princess Games,
Author: enjoydressup