Title: Princesses Bridal Salon
Description: Welcome to the most amazing bridal salon of Princess Rapunzel, where any princess will find a perfect dress for the wedding of her dream! Girls, today you will need to help your favorite princess to prepare for the most important event in her life - the wedding. Which princess would you like to help? There are Ariel, Elsa, Belle and Aurora are waiting for your fashion advice. Choose the princes and follow to the dressing room where you can find many wonderful wedding gowns. There are just amazing! Choose any you like the most and move to the hairstyle stage. The best hairstyle and shining jewelries will improve the bride’s outlook, don’t you think so? And at last, but not least, you need to choose the veil and the bouquet. Create the best bridal look for the princess!
Categories: Dress Up Games, Wedding Games,
Author: freegamescasual