Title: Princess Team Boh
Description: Do you know what Elsa, Jasmine and Aurora have in common, ladies? Apart if being three of the most beloved Disney princesses, they all share the same passion for the playful bohemian style. That’s right, girls… in today’s Princess Team new dress up game you are going to dress your favorite fairytale character in a bohemian chic outfit of your choice. First of all, decide on the girl’s hair: you can choose some natural waves for Elsa the Frozen Queen, a really nice side braid for teen princess Aurora and a loose crown-braid for princess Jasmine. Next you can select their outfits! Go for playful geometrical or flower prints, go for fringes or ruffles and accessorize each of your selections with statement long earrings and flower accessories in their hair.
Categories: Dress Up Games, Princess Games,
Author: dressupwho