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Online Shopping Winter Coat H5
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Online Shopping Winter Coat H5

Title: Online Shopping Winter Coat H5

Description: Are you ready for some online shopping? Winter is here and Lisa has to renew her wardrobe, because all her winter clothes are boring. Could you help her find some nice and trendy clothes online? Play this fun new game to help cute Lisa browse on the Internet and find the best online store. Once you found it, it's time to create a new outfit and order it. Lisa needs a new shirt or sweater, matching pants and boots, a fabulous winter coat and a hat. When you found an item that you like, add it to the cart. Once you found all the items it's time to place the order but if you change your mind you can remove the item and select another one. In case her new coat is not fitting her well and it's too large, you will have to change the color of her coat and redesign it in a unique way.

Categories: Dress Up Games,

Author: cutezee