Title: Goergeous Princess Hairstyle
Description: Are you ready to play a new princess girl game? Today you'll gonna be a professional hairdresser for a beautiful princess. She is bored about her look and wants a change so she thought that she should starts with the hair, that's the reason she asks for your help. Our princess has a long blonde hair so get prepared to create a fabulous hairstyle. First of all you should wash and cut the hair to prepare it for hairstyling. Follow the instruction in game and use all instruments you have to complete the challenge and create the hairstyle princess asks for. In the next level you can decorate princess hairstyle with plenty of glittering accessories, you can change the hair color and also add a beautiful hair clip. The princess will be very happy about her look so in the next level she lets you apply the makeup and accessories so when she get out of the beauty salon to look perfect.
Categories: Dress Up Games,
Author: girlgamey