Title: Fairytale Halloween Ball
Description: Halloween is approaching! Are you ready for the Halloween party? The royal Halloween Ball is in a week, and Princesses Aurora, Ariel and Elsa haven’t prepared their costumes yet. They searched in Pinterest for inspiration and found a variety of cool villain cosplay ideas for Halloween. Would you help them choose? Ariel an Aurora could joke around dressing as their antagonists, Ursula and Maleficent. Ariel would also look perfect as the Red Queen from Wonderland, and Aurora – as Sugar Skull. Elsa could dress as Harley Quinn or Corpse Bride, as they both are her favorite characters. But you might have better ideas! Choose a princess, then choose a character from the list and try to find all the necessary clothes and accessories to make a princess fit her new role. And don’t forget about hair and makeup!
Categories: Dress Up Games, Princess Games,