Title: Disney Crossdress Wedding
Description: In Disney's fairytales love always wins and when that happens, we get to attend a royal wedding. But guess what, ladies? Today we are going to attend three weddings and they promise to be nothing else but ordinary. The grooms are their brides are committed to entertain their guests not only with an impressive wedding ceremony but with some statement looks as well: the princesses and their grooms are going to crossdress their traditional wedding looks… and you are invited to help them up. Come and get this brand new game started and meet the three couples of our crodressing themed dress up game and see what lovely looks you can create for each of them. Choose some colourful wedding dresses and matching accessories for Aladdin, Jack Frost and Li Shang and then find the most elegant traditional costumes for Jamine, Elsa and Mulan.
Categories: Dress Up Games, Wedding Games,
Author: dressupwho