Free online games for girls

Design My Stylish Sunglasses
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Design My Stylish Sunglasses

Title: Design My Stylish Sunglasses

Description: Are you ready to become a sunglass designer? The princesses are getting ready for summer and they need unique and stylish sunglasses! Princesses would like to be able to design their own pair of sunglasses. We all know how hard it is to find that special pair that makes you look really fabulous. Before finding the perfect pair of glasses we have to try on tones of them. Well now the princesses don't have to do that, and with your help they will create their own stylish sunglass. All you need to do is select a princess, select the frame which suits her the best, choose the color of the lens, decorate the frame and dress her up with something that completes her new stylish sunglass. Have fun!

Categories: Decorating Games,

Author: egirlgames