Free online games for girls

Design My Fabulous Ripped Jeans
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Design My Fabulous Ripped Jeans

Title: Design My Fabulous Ripped Jeans

Description: Hello Girls! Are you feeling crafty today? Because we have a fun challenge for you! You will be learning to design a pair of ripped jeans! First, you will have to select the model of the jeans you wish to style up, then you can dye it in different colors. Once you have found a color you like it's time to choose a ripped pattern and you can even decorate your pair of jeans with cute flower embroideries or patches and stickers. Now that you have a pair of fabulous ripped jeans, you can find a cute top and jacket to go with them, as well as matching accessories. Have fun!

Categories: Dress Up Games,

Author: egirlgames