Free online games for girls

Bonnie Gucci Prada
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Bonnie Gucci Prada

Title: Bonnie Gucci Prada

Description: All you fashionistas gather up! Your sister here is facing a huge fashion dilemma: she really can’t decide which label better fits her style and she could use your expert advice! So come and join her in getting this brand new Bonnie Game for girls started, check out your options and help her decide. The italians Gucci and Prada are the two luxury brands causing her a hard time, so which one will you pick for her? Before deciding on that, you firstly have to do her makeup and then you get to browse through Prada’s latest collection and see which items you could use to dress up cute Bonnie with. There are many two pieces outfits for you to choose from, there are oversized suit jackets as well, there are bejewelled shoes and backs and super cute accessories to complement her final look with. When you’re done dressing her up in your favorite Prada outfit, you can then go ahead and run your fingers through Gucci’s latest collection as well.

Categories: Dress Up Games,

Author: dressupwho